The importance of well trained telephone fundraisers

Despite continuously advancing technology, the telephone remains one of the most effective channels for raising funds. It is one of the only communication devices that enables fundraisers to engage in a direct conversation with supporters. When professional fundraisers have received the appropriate training, they are able to use the humble telephone to add value to all fundraising activities. The one to one nature of the phone offers an intimacy that supporters welcome, and in many cases encourages engaging conversation and dialogue about the charity in question.

The work of a telephone fundraising agency is important and each call needs to be handled in the right way. It is crucial that the potential or current supporter at the end of the line has a positive experience. The cost of poor call practise can be high for fundraisers, as complaints can lead to alienation and damage to the reputation of the charity. It is vital that all fundraisers are sufficiently trained and aware of the rules and guidelines.

The rules that govern fundraising are relatively simple. Fundraisers must give their full name for the purpose of accountability, request permission to continue the call after the introduction, and inform the person if the call is being recorded. A good fundraiser needs to be trained to be open and honest regarding all details of the charity in question. They must have knowledge of the charity to ensure they are fully up to speed and able to respond to all queries. Furthermore, fundraisers must be fully trained in the importance of data protection.

We are a professional and experienced telephone fundraising agency with the knowledge and dedication to deliver a high quality service. We work with many charities of varying sizes and we enjoy working on a diverse range of campaigns. We offer an equally attentive service to all, and strive to ensure the best possible outcomes regarding the campaigns of our clients.

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