The importance of fundraising

If you run or are even just a member of a charity, then you understand what fundraising is. Essentially, fundraising is a campaign that can take several forms, designed to raise money for a chosen charity. Fundraising is the core part of a charity and is an incredibly important thing for a charity to undertake.

Fundraising can spread across a huge variety of different platforms. Phone calls are a common platform, and one that our team specialises in. Telephone fundraising is a means of connecting directly with the public and ensuring that the name of the charity, the cause and the goals are clearly set out before a potential donor. A sensitive and caring approach is needed to capture people’s attention on the phone; with tact and care, a charity can hopefully sway people to their cause using telephone fundraising.

Fundraising can also occur by post, small leaflets or bags used to collect bric-a-brac in an attempt to promote the charity. This is a good way to spread the message and name of the charity across an expanded area. However, there is a downside in that the message may simply be heaped in with junk mail and discarded, being forgotten and consigned to the bin. One of the final avenues of fundraising, and one that has both opened up and exploded in recent times is that of social media. One need look only at the case of Stephen Sutton, who bravely spread the word for the Teenage Cancer Trust while suffering from cancer and managed to spur the raising of £5m for the Trust. It is an avenue that, when used effectively, has the potential to raise a huge amount of funds and strike a chord with the public.

Fundraising is not just a means of raising money, but also a way to promote the message and goals of a charity. After all, without the goals being clearly explained and set out, nobody would want to donate. However, gaining funds is obviously important to the continued survival of a charity. Without funds, a charity simply cannot continue to promote itself or its chosen cause. This is especially true for nonprofit organisations who require public funds to continue operating. Fundraising goes beyond survival, however, and with enough funds, a charity can spread itself across a wider area. Given enough time and funds, a charity has the potential to go global. It ensures that the charity can continue funding and helping its cause, for example funding research.

As such, we pride ourselves on delivering a fully comprehensive telephone fundraising solution to all of our clients. We want to ensure that our clients don’t just survive but thrive in the current economic climate with the help of the public. We work with charities of all sizes and of all causes. We believe that our help can truly make a difference for charities who would otherwise have difficulty, for whatever reason, with spreading the word and the goals of their organisation.

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