Providing trusted fundraising strategies

Telephone fundraising tends to make news headlines for the wrong reasons. Over the course of the last year or so, there has been one or two thankfully rare incidents of companies taking an overzealous, well intentioned but entirely inappropriate approach to contacting possible donation makers. While it is not for us to comment on actions taken by others, it is fair to say that in every industry there are those who get it wrong from time to time. Incidents of this nature do, however, serve as a reminder to us to be vigilant about working in an ethical and carefully considered manner.

We maintain extremely high standards in terms of conduct in telephone fundraising. This is reflected in the number and nature of the organisations which have trusted us to represent them over the years. We have worked for nationally and internationally known organisations, including Amnesty International, The Wildlife Trusts, Book Aid International and the Marine Conservation Society. One way we achieve success is by carefully targeting our calls towards people who would have a natural inclination to support these causes, but would not be sure how to do it.

Our success is also down to employing staff who are dedicated to the nature of our work. Mistakes can happen when new and untrained staff are permitted to make fundraising calls. We don’t take this approach. Extensive training is given to all members of our team, and with a 5% staff turnover rate we are proud of the fact that we can deliver consistent service across the board. Our longstanding dedication to excellence is reflected in the fact that we have a complaint rate of just 0.02%, one of the lowest to be found across the sector.

Telephone fundraising is vital to charities and good causes seeking to raise much needed funds for important work. It also provides those who wish to donate to concerns close to their heart with an ideal means to do so. Our services allow for this to happen in a positive, professional and caring way, with benefits for both sides.

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