Now that the dust has settled on the release of the findings of the Fundraising Regulator’s Market Inquiry Report, we find ourselves looking at how the findings really should be directed at ALL sub-contractors, not just those in the face-to-face fundraising sector.
Here our MD Ben Suffell shares his thoughts:
The key findings from inquiry included:
- Trustees must have a better line of sight when it comes to sub-contracting, with better monitoring on how it is carried out.
- There should be more appropriate, enhanced levels of training for those carrying out public fundraising.
- Charities should encourage agencies at all stages of the subcontracting chain to register with the FR and CIOF to demonstrate their commitment and support for the Code of Fundraising Practice and good fundraising behaviour.
- Fundraisers should receive a living wage for their work, regardless of the payment model used – with the FR encouraging charity trustees to assure themselves that the payment model(s) for all those who fundraise on their behalf aligns with the values and ethos of their charity.
- Charities that produce an annual report should include key statements on specific areas of their fundraising – the FR considers that charities engaging in F2F fundraising should provide detail in these key statements, particularly in respect of their subcontracted F2F fundraising.
The CIOF has said that in the coming months it will be working with the regulator and the CCEW to update, or produce new, guidance on due diligence, compliance, monitoring, contractual standards, payment mechanisms, and how accountability will apply across the subcontracting chain, as well as providing a series of on-demand training courses for members and their agencies who are carrying out face-to-face fundraising. So watch this space.
But in the meantime, if regulation is something you ever want to chat to QTS about, feel free to contact us.